Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling
Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Multi-physics and Multiscale modeling involve studying coupling among mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, chemical, and moisture-absorption induced loads/effects on materials and structures across different length and time scales.
Danesh Tafti, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Danesh Tafti
My research focus is computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer in turbulent multiphase, multicomponent systems. I develop methods and apply them to engineered and natural systems. These methods can be applied to material processing which involve a liquid state or solids mixed in liquids.
Gary Seidel, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Gary Seidel
Focus on multiscale modeling of damage initiation and progression in multifunctional composites from atomistic length and time scales (interface strength), through micro- and mesoscales in composites (microdamage), to applications/structures at the macroscale (fracture). Emphasis on sensing strain and damage evolution in nanocomposite-enriched structures and materials under dynamic loads via piezoresistivity.
Hongliang Xin, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Hongliang Xin
Our group focuses on the development of a multiscale modeling framework that integrates our expertise in ab-initio calculations, kinetic simulations, and statistical learning for energy and electronics applications.
Ioannis Koutromanos, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Ioannis Koutromanos
My research is focused on computational simulation of material and structural failure under extreme loading events through constitutive modeling of engineering materials, finite element analysis and reduced-order models. Additionally, I am investigating the impact of structural aging on civil infrastructure through coupled, multi-physics simulations.
John Domann, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

John Domann
Micromagnetic simulation of strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling used to control the magnetization in an antiferromagnetic ellipse at near THz frequencies.
Kevin Wang, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Kevin Wang
The Multiphysics Modeling and Computation (M2C) Lab focuses on the development of new models, algorithms, and computer programs for simulating engineering and health-related problems involving multiple physical domains, multiple physical fields, and/or different length and time scales. Our areas of expertise include fluid-solid interaction, shock waves, and multiscale material modeling.
Maryam Shakiba, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Maryam Shakiba
We focus on multi-physics and multi-scale simulation of heterogeneous materials to unravel the link between the composition and performance of composites with soft and dissipative properties. We integrate damage mechanics, thermodynamic laws, sensitivity analyses, and computational methods to study materials behavior under coupled moisture, chemical, temperature, and mechanical conditions.
Pinar Acar, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Pinar Acar
We work on multi-scale computational methodologies to achieve a comprehensive understanding of processing, microstructure, and material properties. The main research topics are Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), multi-scale modeling, optimization, uncertainty quantification, reduced order modeling, and machine learning to study material behavior at length scales ranging from microstructure to component.
Raffaella De Vita, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Raffaella De Vita
Mechanical properties characterization of biological systems ranging from cellular components to tissues, with special emphasis on the development of new mathematical models and experimental methods.
Reza Mirzaeifar, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Reza Mirzaeifar
In MultiScale Mechanics of Advanced Materials Laboratory (MultiSMArt) we use a wide range of theoretical, computational and experimental methods at different length scales to study the mechanics of various advanced materials including shape memory alloys, carbon-based materials, biological and bio-inspired materials, composites and soft materials.
Rui Qiao, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Rui Qiao
Our group work on modeling of fluid, mass, heat, ion, and particulates for applications including manufacturing and materials processing. Reactive transport in porous media is one of the thrusts recently. We also have extensive experience in molecular modeling of materials.
Ryan Pollyea, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Ryan Pollyea
The Computational Geofluids Lab is led by Ryan M. Pollyea in the Department of Geosciences. Our student-scholars pursue research at the intersection of geologic fluid systems and energy resources, including geologic CO2 sequestration, geothermal energy systems, and injection-induced earthquakes.
Sanket Deshmukh, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Sanket Deshmukh
My research group is interested in developing, adopting, and integrating multi-scale modeling and machine-learning approaches to create new hybrid materials and bio-materials, promising for use in a number of technologically important areas, such as energy and biomedicine.
Scott Case, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Scott Case
Professor Case's work combines experiments, analysis, and simulations to examine the performance and durability of materials and structures. Example applications include optimizing the designs of energy absorbing structures and predicting strength of advanced composites using Monte Carlo simulations. In the multiphysics area, Professor Case has been examining the response of lightweight structures to combined fire and mechanical loading.
Shengfeng Cheng, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Shengfeng Cheng
We use molecular modeling method study various soft matter material systems and especially focus on their nonequilibrium processes such as drying-induced structure formation and self-assembly, rheology, fracture, and friction.
T. Daniel Crawford, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

T. Daniel Crawford
Our work focuses on the development and application of advanced quantum mechanical models of the optical activity of condensed-phased chiral systems.
Dr. Uwe Claus Täuber, Computational Materials Modeling, Virginia Tech

Uwe Claus Täuber
Statistical physics of complex systems, specifically away from thermal equilibrium, with applications to materials science and biological processes.