Destination Areas 2.0 Projects

Phase II Projects
General ItemInvasive Species: Mitigating a Global Threat to Health, economic, and environmental security
Seeking to advance a promising future for invasive species scholarship at Virginia Tech.
General ItemPandemic Prediction and Prevention
Seeking to educate and train a new generation of scientists with transformative technical and professional skills to form convergent teams that can protect and empower humans by anticipating future outbreaks and preventing them from becoming pandemics.
General Item
General Item
Phase I Projects
- Ecological and Biocultural Restoration: Leighton Reid, Plant and Environmental Sciences
- Human-Systems Integration in Healthcare: Sarah Parker, Health Systems and Implementation Science
- Learning Landscape Laboratory: Jenn Engelke, Landscape Architecture
- Materials in Medicine: Michael Schulz, Chemistry and John Matson, Chemistry
- Rural Environments: Julia Gohlke, Environmental Health, Peter Vikesland, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Amy Azano, Rural Education
- Virginia Tech Public Interest Technology Collaborative: Shalini Misra, Urban Affairs and Planning
- Whole Health Research at Virginia Tech: Tina Savla, Human Development and Family Science