Week of September 9-13
Division of IT: Faculty invited to participate in the 2024 EDUCAUSE faculty survey
The Division of Information Technology invites all Virginia Tech faculty to participate in the 2024 EDUCAUSE faculty survey. This survey aims to learn how faculty members view and use instructional technology and how various modalities of technology impact the teaching experience.
Participation in the study is voluntary, and responses will be completely confidential. Faculty who complete the survey will have the option to earn one PDN credit; however, PDN credit will not be issued without submitting a screenshot of the completion page of the survey (instructions below).
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Responses will help inform the university’s decisions about instructional technology.
For more information, read this campus notice, visit the EDUCAUSE faculty survey webpage, or email Karen Herrington.
University Registrar: Courseleaf Curriculum Information Management guidance, resources
Virginia Tech, through the Office of the University Registrar, transitioned from Jira to the Courseleaf CIM (Curriculum Information Management) system in AY 2023-24 to standardize and secure the process of managing course and program proposals.
Over the past 18 months, teams from the Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising Initiatives have met with administrators and curriculum committees in each college to discuss the changes that were sent through curricular governance, share timelines and workflows, and conduct trainings and presentations on the new platform.
Primary reasons for the transition to Courseleaf CIM include:
- Support for the university’s move to an industry-standard system where graduation requirements are based on the date a student entered the institution (catalog year) rather than when they plan to graduate.
- Transition away from paper-based (PDF) check sheets that frequently had errors and no direct tie to Banner. By moving to Courseleaf CIM, degree requirements are now tied to what is available online in the Banner system and therefore eliminating mistakes.
- Entering and securing curriculum information via an online form rather than revising and submitting a PDF or other electronic document formats.
- Clarity for students by reducing the dozens of different formats being used across the university for curriculum “check sheets” and making it easier to read and understand.
Department heads and faculty with questions are encouraged to connect with their college curriculum committees for resources and updates, or email the University Registrar’s Academic Governance unit.
For more information including Courseleaf CIM trainings, guidelines, and definitions, visit the University Academic Curriculum Governance website.
CPD: Learn to become a Career Champion for Virginia Tech students
Career and Professional Development (CPD) invites faculty and staff to become a Career Champion for Virginia Tech students and learn more about CPD’s support services for both undergraduate and graduate students, career resources, and strategies for career-related conversations.
The online Career Champion program, consisting of interactive asynchronous learning, hands-on reflection, and content application, is designed to provide participants with tools and referral resources for career-related discussions with students. Through the Career Champion program, faculty and staff will:
- Learn the components of the career development process.
- Increase knowledge of resources available through CPD for undergraduate and graduate students with varying career needs.
- Increase confidence in ability to have career conversations with students.
- Understand the importance and value of Virginia Tech student reflection on career-related experiences.
- Increase awareness of current career trends.
Registration for the program closes Friday, September 13.
For more information and to register for the next training session, please read this campus notice or visit the TLOS Professional Development Network webpage for this program. Additional question or inquiries may be emailed to the CPD office.
TLOS: Register for an inclusive course design workshop to address learner variability
Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies’ (TLOS) Accessible Technologies invites faculty and graduate teaching assistants to participate in the Instructional Design with Universal Design for Learning: Addressing Learner Variability in College Courses. The one-day event is designed to help instructors proactively consider diverse learning needs in the course design and delivery process to reduce educational barriers and foster student success.
Participants will learn updated digital accessibility policies and inclusive design practices intended to make courses inclusive and accessible. This event also provides structured peer support and feedback for instructors across disciplines to integrate UDL principles into their course design practices.
Event registration is limited to 35 faculty members and up to five graduate teaching assistants. Faculty participants will have the opportunity to join the Fall 2024 UDL Peer Mentoring Program, where they will be paired with a UDL Faculty Fellow.
For more information, read this campus notice, visit the TLOS events website, or email Pearl Xie, director of Universal Design for Learning and Accessibility Services.
ICYMI: Faculty support for students through the Early Academic Referral System
Virginia Tech’s Early Academic Referral System (VT EARS) has been developed as a tool to assist faculty in proactively identifying and referring undergraduate students who may be experiencing academic difficulty early within a semester. Research indicates that intervention within the first 6-8 weeks of the semester can make a significant difference.
VT EARS has a significant impact on student success because of its potential to:
- Increase awareness of the academic support networks.
- Reduce the number of undergraduate students on academic probation or suspension.
- Reaffirm the institution’s commitment to at-risk students.
- Increase engagement between faculty and undergraduate students.
Faculty and instructors are encouraged to become familiar with and utilize VT EARS. Submitting a referral can be done easily by entering Faculty Access through Hokie Spa. Faculty will simply choose the "Faculty Access" tab at the top of the page and click the blue link titled "Faculty and Advisor Student Menu” and locate the “Early Academic Referral System Menu."
For more information, visit the VT EARS webpage or email Academic Advising Initiatives in the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs. NOTE: VT EARS is not intended for urgent, sensitive, time-critical referrals. If you have an emergency or require immediate assistance, please call 911 for the police.
Additional Resources and Updates
- Northern Virginia Steering Committee Town Hall on September 26
- Instructional resources available through the Teaching and Learning Hub
- Mental Health First Aid certification available
- +Policy Network: Call for Policy Research Applications
- Research support through the NCFL Faculty Fellows Program
- Start using your Care.com premium access today
- Nominations for University Exemplary Department or Program Award
- University Libraries' long-term technology lending available for fall 2024
Please submit a Google form or email Provost Communications for comments or recommendations to improve the Weekly Communications Update or to share faculty, staff, and academic program personnel information.
Visit the provost’s website frequently for new and updated university information. All members of the campus community should also read their VT News daily email for further important updates, notices, and resources.