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Week of July 15-19


Equity and Accessibility: Update to Virginia Tech’s nondiscrimination statement

Effective July 1, Virginia Tech, through the Office for Equity and Accessibility (OEA), has updated its nondiscrimination statement was updated based on a change at the state level. The revised statement is as follows:

“Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or otherwise discriminate against employees or applicants who inquire about, discuss, or disclose their compensation or the compensation of other employees or applicants, or on any other basis protected by law.”

The statement has been in updated in Policy No. 1025: Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Assault and on the university’s Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Statement webpage.

For more information, read this campus notice. For questions about Virginia Tech’s updated nondiscrimination statement, email the Office for Equity and Accessibility or call OEA at 540-231-2010.

Research and Innovation: Guidance on using AI during research activities

The Division of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance (SIRC) in Research and Innovation has worked with campus stakeholders to develop guidelines for members of the Virginia Tech community who are using, or interested in using, artificial intelligence (AI) in the design, conduct, and dissemination of research.

Generative AI, a type of artificial intelligence that enables computers to create original content, poses both opportunities and challenges. As researchers explore this innovative new technology across various disciplines, it is important to address potential risks and concerns, and to be aware of how this guidance interacts with other policies, ethics, and governing legal authority.

This guidance is not intended as legal advice or as an exhaustive set of best practices and should not be viewed as a final policy. Generative AI is rapidly evolving in terms of technology, deployment models, third-party relationships, terms of service, regulatory landscape, and academic-industry partnership structures.

For more information including PI and university responsibilities, ethical and compliance dimensions of using AI in research, and points of contact in SIRC, read this campus notice or download the AI guidance document.

Student Affairs: Seeking Hokie Helpers to welcome students, assist with fall move-in

Virginia Tech Student Affairs is gearing up to welcome our incoming class of new Hokies with Fall Move-In and Weeks of Welcome, and is seeking faculty and staff volunteers to assist students and families as they arrive on campus.

The Hokie Helpers program supports new and returning students as they move into residence halls. Hokie Helper volunteers come from all over the university and community to showcase the university motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve). Hokie Helpers provide information, welcome new students and their families, unload vehicles, manage logistics, and distribute water bottles to students and families in need of a break from the heat.

Volunteers are needed for fall move-in which begins August 20, and for Weeks of Welcome events. Shifts range from three to six hours depending on the task, and volunteers may sign up for just one or as many as their schedule allows.

For more information, visit the Hokie Helpers webpage or access the online iVolunteer form to view available shifts and sign up.

Faculty Affairs: Membership in NCFDD available to Virginia Tech faculty, graduate students

Virginia Tech is an institutional member of NCFDD (formerly the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity) – a nationally recognized organization dedicated to supporting over 285,000 faculty, graduate students, and postdocs on their path to successful academic careers.

As part of this membership, Virginia Tech faculty and graduate students can enroll in a complimentary sub-account that offers access to NCFDD’s expansive online resources, including an array of webinars, resources, and programs including:

  • Weekly Monday Motivator 
  • Monthly Core Curriculum Webinars 
  • Hidden Handbook series 
  • Monthly Guest Expert Webinars 
  • Access to Dissertation Success Curriculum for graduate students 
  • Private Discussion Forums

To activate an individual account, access the “Become a member” link on the NCDFF homepage. Scroll down and select Virginia Tech from the drop down and click on the "Activate My Account" button. Follow the instructions to complete the process.

For more information, visit the Mentoring and Support webpage on the Faculty Affairs website. Additional questions about NCFDD or other faculty development resources can be emailed to Faculty Affairs.

ICYMI: Celebrate internship programs, partners during Virginia Intern Day on July 25

Virginia Tech is joining with SCHEV, Virginia colleges and universities, and partner companies and organizations across the commonwealth to celebrate Virginia Intern Day (VID) on Thursday, July 25. Virginia Intern Day is an opportunity to recognize employers who provide robust internship programs that benefit our future leaders and highlight interns’ pivotal contributions to our ever-changing workforce.

VID will take place in concert with National Intern Day as a way to energize stakeholders about the powerful impact that work-based learning has on students. It is also an opportunity to celebrate students as well as the departments, faculty, and staff who are instrumental in delivering a variety of experiential learning opportunities.

Through Virginia Tech’s commitment to provide students with ways to learn through place-based opportunities, we celebrate our programs and initiatives that help to advance the university’s strategic plans to engage students in internships and similar career-related experiences. These include, but are not limited to:  

Along with these university-wide programs, each college offers information and a variety of opportunities and resources to support students seeking internships and engagement with partner companies and organizations.

For more information on Virginia Intern Day, visit the VID website.

Additional Resources and Updates

Please submit a Google form or email Provost Communications for comments or recommendations to improve the Weekly Communications Update or to share faculty, staff, and academic program personnel information.

Visit the provost’s website frequently for new and updated university information. All members of the campus community should also read their VT News daily email for further important updates, notices, and resources.