Phi Beta Kappa Mu of Virginia Chapter
Phi Beta Kappa Mu of Virginia Chapter

Advocating for liberal arts and sciences
The Society sponsors activities to advance studies in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences.
Electees graduating in December receive an invitation from the society in November
Invitations issued in mid April
Average number of inductees per year
Initiation fee
The chapter has set aside limited funds to assist with the initiation fee for students with financial need.
Phi Beta Kappa key
$50-150 optional
Phi Beta Kappa History
Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary. The oldest Greek Letter fraternity in America, it is also the nation's oldest and most widely known honor society. Phi Beta Kappa celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. Its campus chapters invite for induction the most outstanding arts and sciences students at America's leading colleges and universities. The Society sponsors activities to advance these studies - the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences - in higher education and in society at large.
Membership over the years has included giants in American history such as John Marshall, Helen Keller, Eli Whitney, Booker T. Washington, and the best and the brightest from politics, law, business, science, entertainment, publishing, and education, including Isaac Asimov, Leonard Bernstein, Jonas Salk, Gloria Steinem, and 15 presidents.
Virginia Tech was granted a charter for a Phi Beta Kappa chapter on May 8, 1977. The founding president of our chapter was the late Professor Albert Sturm, research professor of political science. We are called the Mu of Virginia Chapter. Mu is the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet, as we are the 12th university or college in the state of Virginia to receive a charter.