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Equity and Social Disparity in the Human Condition

Equity and Social Disparity in the Human Condition

Our team focuses on equity in the human condition, maximizing, wherever possible, the equitable distribution and availability of physical safety and well-being, psychological well-being, and access to crucial material, social, and moral resources.

Equity and Social Disparity for the Human Condition, Destination Areas, Virginia Tech

ESDHC Core Areas

The activities of the SGA will focus on four key areas:

  • Curriculum Development and integration for minors, majors, and general education core areas to equip Virginia tech students to serve and succeed in diverse settings
  • Development of collaborations with colleges, Destination Areas (DAs), and other SGAs to make engagement with difference an integral part of scholarship and teaching throughout the university, including key investments in expertise related to the human condition
  • Scholarship on social disparities and difference in the human condition, aiming to build on university strengths in the areas of Health and the Environment, Identities and Culture, and Institutions, Organizations, and Policy (e.g., education, political and policy systems, businesses, and markets)
  • Outreach connecting Virginia Tech expertise to issues of equity and diversity regionally, nationally, and globally.

Advancing the Human Condition Symposium

Engaging scholars, academics, and practitioners in transdisciplinary inquiry around the critical questions of our age, with equity premised as the driving force of our deliberations.
